My little baker

I absolutely love to bake. I always knew I liked it, and it has always come really easily to me (I am usually wondering if the cake is done, and when I go to the oven, there's like 3 seconds left). After becoming a new mommy, I got so into serving Kara and taking care of the house and my husband, that my stuff kind of went to the back burner. All of us swear it will never happen, but before you know it, you don't really remember what your interests are anymore! I spent this spring figuring that out! Things that I love (and are cheap and fit into my lifestyle) are reading and baking - bread especially. Even though I enjoy baking as a thing I do for myself, it's still fun to let Kara help. Here she is making chocolate cookies with me (you had to roll them in your hands to make little balls - I think some ended up in her mouth - can you tell!). :-)


Kattrina said…
So cute Jessica. I love baking too, and reading. Wish I had more time for both. My mother has a holiday tradition of making like 13 different kinds of Christmas cookies and I am DETERMINED to one day accomplish this myself. I have not conquered bread yet though. I just keep making this English muffin bread over and over again....
jessicaday said…
I love making bread. People don't realize how easy and forgiving it is. And getting my aggressions out while kneading is nice too! :-)
Vicky said…
Love the picture of Kara! Yep, I think she may have slipped a few pieces into her mouth, lol!