Grandma's Birthdays

Today is my mom's birthday, and two days ago was my mother-in-law, Vicky's, birthday. So, we have been in Grandma-birthday-present mode here at our house. I tried to do something original for each Grandma, and I think it was a success. I'm not going to post what I did for my mom's birthday because I may do it for Vicky later! :-) Anyway, Kara is blessed with two wonderful Grandmas who love her so much and just love every second they can spend with her. Growing up, my mom's mom passed away when I was little and my dad's mom wasn't really around, so I didn't really have the whole grandma experience like Kara does. I'm so happy for her that she does have it!!
Thank you Mom and Vicky for being who you are!!


Vicky said…
AWWW! Man! I HATE surprises! :)
I didn't know my paternal grandparents as they died before I was born. And I barely knew mom's dad and mom because we didn't see them much due to distance. But I am glad my kids got to spend lots of time with my mom and dad! I know they will always have fond memories of them. And I'm happy Kara gets to spend lots of time with at least one of her grandmas! That is the way it is in most families and it is usually the mother of the wife that gets to be the closest to her grandkids, if that made sense. :)
jessicaday said…
Don't worry, I know you hate surprises - I learned that the hard way! My idea to surprise you by getting the family together for Mother's Day backfired with EVERYONE else knew you hated surprises but no one told me. Thanks again, guys.
Oh, and it's just a cool craft idea for a birthday card - look for it next Mother's Day. Surprise averted! :-)