Three Weeks Later

I don't really have much to say except I am recovering.  It's been three weeks and my bruises are almost all gone.

I have some before and after pictures for you, but they are pretty gruesome.  Now's your chance to bail if you're squeamish.

The underside of my arm before and after:

Here is the front of my arm, where I will have a scar.  Warning, it bled for like a week so the before picture is especially gross.

Before.  My entire bicep all the way around
was a large contusion, which means one
giant, very swollen, bruise.  I couldn't
bend/straighten my arm.

A week or two later.

Today.  Only a small bruise is left and I can see where
my arm will have a little scar.  Well, the scar just may
be a little arm band.

I can move my arm every way I should be able to, it's just sore to do that.  But since I can, I consider that a great thing!  The soreness will go away soon enough.

And here is my chin.

I'm so grateful for where my stitches ended up being.  This scar lies right in between my two chins and will hardly be visible.  For vanity's sake, I am relieved it's not across my cheek or eye socket or something.

The reason I posted these pictures is to show you how quickly I'm healing.  I feel so blessed to not work so I can just rest.  I feel so blessed to have Michael, Kara, and my mom to take good care of me so I can just rest.  I feel so blessed to be a strong person with plenty of muscle and plenty of fat, for that matter, to protect my arm from being broken.  Which was my shield for my upper abdomen.  I am very fortunate.

My concussion is lasting the longest.  I passed the test the doctor gave me yesterday - I could count backwards from 100, descending by 7.  I also could spell "world" backwards.  He said three weeks later I should be able to do those things, and since I can, the dizziness and confusion and difficulty finding the words I want will all resolve themselves eventually.

My jaw is really hurting from being hit in the chin and it knocking me out.  I can't really line my teeth up and chew right.  (Without meds, that is!)  So, I am still taking a 200mg ibuprofen from walmart so I can chew and eat at all.

My liver/upper abdomen feels great 99.9% of the time.  My breast bone feels great 99.9% of the time.  I still can't sleep on my stomach comfortably, like I'd prefer.  But when I sleep on my back I sleep GREAT.  (I probably snore more too.  Sorry Michael!  Fortunately Michael was so upset from those nights sleeping here without me because I was in the ICU that he may never complain about my snoring again.)

I think that's everything!

I don't want to get all deep because I had a serious accident and was part of a miracle because God protected me, but I will say this.  He spared me for a reason.  He even spared my arm from being broken for a reason.  And I will say I take that very seriously and am ready to heal and serve in whatever way He has planned for me.  I'm sure whatever it is, I'll need an unbroken arm for it.  :-)


Vicky said…
Yes, it is definitely a miracle that you were not hurt worse! Thank You, LORD!
Unknown said…
WOW!!!! I cannot believe nothing was broken! Definitely a blessing! I'm so thankful you are recovering well. The progress seems amazing!