
This is a conversation/lesson/lecture I recently had with Kara.  Tell me if you disagree with anything I said.

Work is something all people have to do.  We were designed by God to do work.  Work is not something we have to do out of punishment after the fall of man, it was designed even before that in the perfect garden of Eden.  (Although God did make work harder after that.)

I believe there will be work in heaven.

Work is something we are called to do.  Work is something we should do with pride and with excellence.

Whether you are designing complex systems that will be used all throughout the intelligence community for years to come like Michal, whether you are cleaning a toilet like me, or whether you are taking a math test like Kara, it's all work.  And even if your attitude is poor that day, you are to do it.  And you are to do it to the best of your ability.

Why you ask?  Well, what's life like if you don't work?  Let's just say you don't have to work - you're independently wealthy.  (Or you're a kid whose mommy lets you get away with not having to work.  *ahem*)  Life is about finding what you want to play to make yourself happy all day.  The longer you live for yourself, the more toxic your life will be.  The more selfish you are, the worse off you'll be.  Then you'll be reaching no one for Christ.

Work was designed by God, and I know why.

This used to be the American dream, the American way.  It is not anymore, but I will do my best to at least raise my daughter with a good work ethic.

The best ways to do this are:
  * to be a good example
  * to give her lots of work


Doug said…
I love how you are teaching Kara things your mom and I taught you and I am sure Tim and Vickie taught Michael. Like I always say...if you want to give your kids an advantage...give them a disadvantage! Make them earn things and teach them to work hard and they will appreciate things a lot more.