New Days

Life has been a little too busy around here lately.  We have been go, go, going all day every day.

I have been a stay-at-home mom for almost 8 years now and I have gotten used to it.  My life is Kara, then Michael, then the house, in that order.  I have never been the kind of mom who stays home all day every day - that makes me a little crazy.  We have to get out and go to a playground, go for a walk, or go to Target to shop.  I definitely liked that life.  I got used to it.  We were home 4 days out of 7, life was slower paced, and we never, ever went anywhere in the evenings.  Now 5 days out of 7 have commitments and the other 2 days get full way too fast.  I'm just not used to this.  Working moms live this all the time - I hold firm in my opinion - they are super women.

I have stopped cooking.

I am seriously considering hiring someone to clean my house for me.

I don't have time to homeschool.

I never see my mom.  I rarely see my sister.  I rarely see one of my best friends - Stephanie.  I wanted to take a trip to Alabama this October to see another close friend, but it's looking like if I go at all it will be November.

I have zero days of rest.

This is not good.

This is not the life I want.  I homeschool so that there is time to just relax and live and have quiet moments.  I homeschool so that life isn't spent in the car driving Kara to 3 different extracurricular activities, after she's at school 7 hours, all the while eating fast food every night for dinner, and trying to figure out when to do the 3 hours of homework she has nightly.  (There is nothing wrong with this life, I just don't want it for mine.  That's not supposed to be the deal with homeschool, so I thought.)

So, I am going to start saying no more often.  This does not feel good.  I feel like whenever someone asks me to get together, to help, to visit, to meet, whatever, I must say no or I'm rejecting them.  But, I don't like living like this and neither does Kara.  With family members on their way to move to Maryland (I'll explain in a minute), I'm thinking this is the perfect time to pull back from some things and spend loads of quality time with family.  And do school.

My mom's half-brother and his wife/girlfriend (can't remember if they're married) have fallen on hard times and can't afford to live in California any more.  My parents graciously offered to have them relocate to Maryland.  (My dad is the KING of second chances.  He IS second chance man.  He fully believes everyone deserves one.....or more)  They'll live with my parents for a few months until they find their own jobs, apartment, car, etc.  This will be a big adjustment for them and it'll be a big one for us too.  But, I'm thinking it will be all good.  :-)

Looking forward to some big changes!
