This time we went left, toward the ravine, instead of right, along the path. It was overcast, which makes for wonderful pictures. I had my macro lens on, which is my absolute favorite. The pictures are crystal clear, but you can't zoom in or out.
Today reminded me of two years ago (Christmas 2014) when we first walked in our woods all together.
The kitties came for a walk with us. |
She gets lovelier every day. <3 |
Kara said, "come take a picture of this gross thing." |
So, naturally Michael picked it up, even Kara squealed. It's a cicada shell. |
Michael put his orange hat on top of his warm hat since we were walking in the woods and it's hunting season. |
They preferred walking on logs, instead of in the leaves. |
He's only 11 pounds. Seems little to me, but he looks a little pudgy at this angle. In his defense, he has long hair! |
Shiloh loved digging and put her head all the way in that hole. |
They loved sharpening their claws on the logs. |
At one point, they both shot up trees. I don't know what they heard, but we didn't hear it. |
Kara found this little stream/water run off on its way down the mountain. |
I mean, beauty. |
It got pretty rocky down there. |
I thought this was so cool. I see some kind of story there - something like when the leaves are blooming, we see the beautiful leaves, but in the winter, we see the gnarly bones underneath, which is where the real character is. |
The dead trees are the interesting ones. |
Moss |
Moss up close - so pretty. |
I love how they are getting even closer the older Kara gets. <3 |
This is the pipe where our rain water from our gutters comes out - very far from our house. |
These are out front too. Not sure what they are, but we don't eat what we don't know. |
I hope you enjoyed our little walk!