Just Like Me

While Kara does look a lot like me as a little girl, I keep finding more and more ways Kara is just like Michael. She has his little kid body type, his hands, and she has his self confidence. Time and time again I'm seeing how she's like him. And I love it. Michael is a great guy and seeing him in her makes me love her even more.
That said, she is a lot like me too. Michael was a *ahem* challenging child who wanted to see just how much he could get away with. Fortunately he grew out of that, and fortunately Kara is NOT like that! Every time she make a decision out of obedience, my mom gives me that look and says "she's just like you". Unfortunately I grew out of that! Lol - just kidding.
Last night she and Michael were out working on his boat in the front yard and they didn't come in for a long time. I peeked out the window and saw her talking to a little girl on a scooter from down the street. She is 7, so I'm not sure how much longer that big girl will want to be friends with little Kara, but my sweet girl was on a high all night with love for her new friend and plans of them being best friends forever. Yeah, she's just like her mother. I adore meeting new friends and always have dreams of us being super close forever. It has only happened like that once, but I still feel elation after meeting a new friend. I pray for them, think about them for days and can't wait to see them again. Sometimes, my sweet girl is just like me.