Happy Birthday to Me!
Today is my birthday, so there was a lot going on. I woke up to texts, facebook posts, and a sweet phone call from my honey (who NEVER calls me from work). Unfortunately, my body didn't know it was my birthday, so I woke up with a headache and stomachache. I could hear the girls watching cartoons in Kara's room, so I knew I shouldn't roll over and go back to sleep, even though that's probably what my body needed.

The girls took these pictures. They actually do a really good job at this age!
We had breakfast in bed, watched more cartoons, and the girls played while I got to feeling better as quickly as I could. I was ready (well enough) by 10:45, but after getting the girls to clean up and get dressed and ready, and after making lunch for the car, we weren't on the road until closer to 12. I asked if they still wanted to go if we could only spend an hour or so there, and they wanted to. Fine by me! I've seen all that a hundred times and spending the whole day there had no appeal for me. Hannah couldn't remember the museum, so I looked up pictures from our trip there last year to refresh her memory. It worked out really well because they just wanted to see the things in the pictures from last year and they were satisfied. Perfect!

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Here we are on the train. Hannah's favorite part. And let's face it, the most exciting part about the day at this age is the train. Hannah's face when the train started moving was priceless! I'm so disappointed I missed taking a picture of it. She was SO EXCITED!!!! She's so sweet. At least I got the picture of her outside the train. You can see how excited she was. :-)
Here we are riding the escalators right up onto the Mall in downtown Washington DC. It was a nasty hot day, but at least it was nice and sunny.
Here they are in front of the Washington Monument. They're just so pretty.
In front of the huge elephant in the foyer of the Natural History Museum.
Hannah was having fun taking pictures for me (some of which are really good!) and she snuck and took this picture of me reading to Kara. Thank you, sweetie!
My favorite part of the whole day was when we went to the empty cafeteria (it was like 3:00) and we got snacks. Hannah got a HUGE cookie, Kara got jello, and I got veggie pizza. We sat and laughed and talked like I hope we always do. I took this not so great picture of us three in hopes that I always remember how much fun we had sitting at that table! I love those girls so much. (See Hannah's green teeth - there was A LOT of green frosting on her cookie. My right as the aunt is to buy her giant cookies in the middle of the day. AFTER she has a nutritious lunch, that is.)
Here they are in front of the shark's jaw - the last thing they wanted to do that day.
The train ride home went really well, and then my family came over for my birthday celebration. The girls both ate and liked dinner - lumpia - a Filipino recipe my mom got years ago. It's kind of like egg rolls with meat inside.
Now we're trying to get to bed early so we can get up early - tomorrow is the big trip to the BEACH!!
(Fyi: the girls both behaved excellently today. I am VERY happy!)
We had breakfast in bed, watched more cartoons, and the girls played while I got to feeling better as quickly as I could. I was ready (well enough) by 10:45, but after getting the girls to clean up and get dressed and ready, and after making lunch for the car, we weren't on the road until closer to 12. I asked if they still wanted to go if we could only spend an hour or so there, and they wanted to. Fine by me! I've seen all that a hundred times and spending the whole day there had no appeal for me. Hannah couldn't remember the museum, so I looked up pictures from our trip there last year to refresh her memory. It worked out really well because they just wanted to see the things in the pictures from last year and they were satisfied. Perfect!

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Here we are on the train. Hannah's favorite part. And let's face it, the most exciting part about the day at this age is the train. Hannah's face when the train started moving was priceless! I'm so disappointed I missed taking a picture of it. She was SO EXCITED!!!! She's so sweet. At least I got the picture of her outside the train. You can see how excited she was. :-)
The train ride home went really well, and then my family came over for my birthday celebration. The girls both ate and liked dinner - lumpia - a Filipino recipe my mom got years ago. It's kind of like egg rolls with meat inside.
Now we're trying to get to bed early so we can get up early - tomorrow is the big trip to the BEACH!!
(Fyi: the girls both behaved excellently today. I am VERY happy!)
Hannah has a rash on her back - looks like an allergic reaction to our laundry detergent or something. Do you know of anything she's allergic to? It's nothing major, just a little pink and itchy. I put hydrocortizone cream all over it and gave her a small dose of benedryl. I'll let you know how it looks in the morning.