My Office

First things first, I got the job!  Thank you for praying.  In fact, please continue to pray.  I still have freak out moments when I decide I have no idea what I'm doing - I'm just pretending.  😆

I did go clear one shelf in the office the Saturday before my first day, because I was pretty sure the retiring lady wasn't going to clear her stuff out for a while.  I was pretty sure because two weeks had passed since she decided to retire and she hadn't brought anything home yet.  I knew that me clearing that one shelf would get her going.  She had a lot of STUFF.  She worked in there for over a decade, had a Sunday School class in there, and had another class in there.  Over time, stuff just adds up.  I was always using her office, so I just worked around it, but if it will be my space, I want minimal STUFF.  Here is a before pic of the room, with the one shelf (on top of the desk) cleared off.

Here are my super accurate and professional measurements of the room:

The 6 feet by 18 inches is the "backsplash" of the desk.  I was thinking I would put fabric back there.  I bought three beautiful ideas and haven't decided yet.  Here is one idea:

I think it is way too busy and messy

But you can see I brought in my green stuff.  And my polka dot clock.  Still lots of stuff around, and not my own yet.

She spent a week bringing stuff home, and I waited to really do anything else until her stuff was gone.  I didn't want to step on her toes too much!

By the end of the week (Friday), I was done with my official training, and moving on to working and only calling my retiring friend if I have a question.  So, that morning I shopped with my mom and got pretty stuff for my office.  You may be able to tell my theme is green, black and white.  I totally love this from Hobby Lobby, but I am waiting until it goes on sale half off next week.

This is me sitting at the desk after my mom and I moved that beast.  It was like concrete and we sweat buckets getting that thing to move.  Anyway, I wanted the desk to be facing the door because I spook really easily, not to mention, I never can tell if someone is walking by, or walking in the office.  Also, my friend is left handed, so I needed to move some things.

Tidying up some of the boxes.

Then my new coworker/bestie came in and helped me get rid of more stuff I don't want.

Now it's time to bring in the new stuff.

A few things - I totally don't like where I put the decorations.  lol!  I'll be taking more pictures as I move things.

I am returning that white picture with green leaves on it on the right wall.  I'm going to replace it with that pic I loved from Hobby Lobby.

Behind my chair, I'm going to put a giant white clock and bring my polka dot one back home.

The rocking chair is going home with my friend.

I will be scanning and shredding all the things in the white boxes under the white board.  And all the things on top of the filing cabinets.

Another pastor will be taking that big coffee table thing in the corner.

All the other chairs (besides my new gray one) are going.  I'd like some comfy chairs in there, maybe a table too.  I'll keep you posted!

Now, if you made it this far, here are pics from cutie pie Kara at her sleep study.


Vicky said…
Oh, yes! I LOVE the Hobby Lobby word art one you have chosen!! CONGRATS on getting the job!