Homeschool Update - Unit Studies

I'm happy to report our Psychology Unit was a success!  Kara said it was the most fun school could be.  I really enjoyed planning it and watching her learn.  She really enjoyed a lighter load and tons of reading.  Of course, no school at all would have been preferred.  ;-)

Our next unit is going to be Physical Science.  We haven't done science in a while and it's time to start a new curriculum.  We will use textbooks this time, but we are going to ease up on the other subjects, and do double duty with science.  (2 to 2 1/2 weeks worth of work in one week.)  Part of me wants to catch up since it has been a while (if we do this for five weeks like I have planned, we will be one third of the way through the book), but part of me wants to just do school this way for a while - digging deep into certain subjects at a time.

Having a preteen has taught me flexibility - just when you are used to life being one way, things change.  We will do school this way until we don't!  I have also learned if it ain't broke, stop trying to fix it.

So, the next five (or whatever) weeks will look like this:
at least double the day's work of science
(some science experiments will be watched on youtube, others we will do together)
PE (Swimming)

Subjects we are setting aside for a few weeks:
Bible History

If we totally hate being back in textbook land, I'll find some other fun way to learn the material.  Maybe youtube videos.  We will see how it goes - we are trying Apologia for the first time since 3rd grade.  I'm excited!
