This and That

Today was my last physical therapy appointment.  I am not all better, but I am much better.  You can see below which bone was crushed in the fracture.  As you can see, the biceps tendon attaches right there, which might explain why I have had SO MUCH pain in my bicep.  The good news is, that pain is GONE!

I have been reading a ton of books.  Unit studies for homeschool means lots and lots of reading.  I pre-read everything for these unit studies - not only to make sure it's appropriate for my 12 year old, but to make sure it is relevant enough to assign.  In the last month, I'd say I read 6 books.  I have another one on my counter and another on it's way from Amazon.  It's wonderful!  I love reading.

Kara is in Maryland this week with her best friends.  Bless their mama for keeping Kara along with her kiddos.  (Isn't their backyard gorgeous?!)

While Kara has been gone, I have been cleaning and organizing, running errands, and doing lesson plans.  Including reading.  And maybe I had lunch with my mom too.  Afterwards, we sat under trees with my dad in their backyard.  What a pretty day!

And the rest of my pictures for this post are of our kitties.  They are the sweetest little animals.

Shiloh LOVES Michael.  See her snuggled in his arm?
