New Bible Study

Today was the first day of my new bible study. (Well, it's my old bible study, but we break for the summer and we just started up again.) This is the cover of my book (which includes the title and author). It is a twelve week study and each week we will look at one characteristic of God. This week it is about God the Creator. So far I've only done about 5 pages and I've read all about how God is the only one who can create something from nothing. I also learned that God simply spoke and each thing was made. Man was the only thing he took the time to mold and form. Then he took the time to breath air into his lungs so he would live. We were made in his image. Next I'm learning about the fall of man. Something I didn't know - when God asked them why they ate from the forbidden tree, Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent. Neither one took responsibility - they both said it was someone else's fault.
