I just love going on a retreat. I love getting away from it all and spending a full weekend connecting with my #1 love: God. I helped plan our women's retreat this year, and it took over a full year to plan. Wow, so much goes into those things. Not to mention needing to book the place early because it fills up fast. We go to the same place just on the other side of Frederick called Skycroft. It's up on a mountain and so pretty. I've been going there since high school retreats.
The food is great, I slept great, I roomed with my bestie, Stephanie. What a great weekend. My favorite was Saturday - since that was the day we were there from morning until night, that was the day we had the most free time. I always want to spend that time in nature. Hiking. In the woods. Where the trees are. And next to a pond, if I can find one.
Up on the mountain, it was a little cooler than here at home, so they're just now blooming what is normally blooming here in early April. Weird weather. Anyway, here are the pictures.
Full Moon at the campfire. I wish I had my
big camera instead of just my phone. |
The rest were taken with my big camera. :-)
Can you see the white butterfly? She was camera
shy and just couldn't stay still very long for me. |
Verses posted everywhere.
I love the idea of being surrounded by scripture.
We will be doing this in our new house. |
My Stephanie. |
This bumble bee totally photo bombed me! |
I love that blue sky next to the pink! |
New life. So much symbolism. |
Zip lines in the big open field. There was a GIANT tree in
full bloom right in the middle of that field. Lovely. |
I think weird stuff is pretty. This picnic table
had moss growing on it and I think this picture is so interesting.
I would totally frame it and hang it up. I could look at
it day in and day out. |
New life - blech. lol! |
Dead center. I know better than that. |
Rule of thirds. Yes. |
Crooked tree |
New life - bright green |
Pretty view |
Mushrooms |
Trees are so beautiful |
At the pond |
Every step I took walking beside the pond
sent 2-3 froggies jumping into the water. |
I like lines and perspective.
This should be moved over more. |
I kinda like dandelions. I know I'm not supposed to, but
they're a pretty yellow and look so happy. And Kara
taught me they close up at night. |
Gorgeous day |
After our hike, while at the pond, we spent our time doing
our assignment of asking God to speak to us. And of course
He did! It's a marvelous feeling. |
These nice guys were at the retreat center with a large group
of men. I don't think there were any fish in that pond! |
You can't see it so well because of the scum, but the
trees reflected nicely on the pond. |
See the reflection a little better? |
Time to head back and work on Bible study.
All those thorns make it look fuzzy. |
This is my favorite pathway picture.
I don't like the harsh light of the sun. |
This is so beautiful to me! Moss, trees, stunning.
I wish I could frame this one too. |
Paved road. We're getting closer.... |
And that's all I have! I LOVE hiking in the woods. Of course I am old and out of shape - less hills make me happiest. And being with someone who is used to a photographer and needs to stop often is so nice!
Ah, it was so nice to get away and not have to think about a thing except my sweet Savior!!