Highlights of the last few days
* My contractor started work on the basement last week and the carpet guys are here now to do the very last thing. After they go in a few hours, I will have a brand new basement. Now I have to buy furniture - just in time for the Columbus Day sales. Perfect!
* The basement looks SO GOOD that I want the contractor to come back and do a few more things in the house! Michael doesn't want to do these things, but he's willing to pay for someone else to do it, which sounds like a good deal to me! Some painting needs to be done, new blinds (we're up to SIX broken ones), the kitchen sink screeches, the bathtub needs new caulking - that sort of thing.
* There's been some good coupon shopping. I think we're bored with the details, but I've been saving at least 50% wherever I go.
* I got a new phone (but have the same number). I didn't even text until less than a year ago, but then I loved it and text all the time. Well, Michael finally convinced me to get a 'real' phone with a data plan and everything. Now I can check email, play on facebook, play games, watch movies, etc on my new phone. You know, all the fun things I have no real reason for but enjoy. :-) Sometimes it's fun to have a new toy.
* Kara is still LOVING school. At the bus stop in the morning she dances with delight when she sees the bus approach. She says "I LOVE school!" with a big smile on her face. She waves and blows me kisses as the bus pulls away and she doesn't stop until it goes around the corner and she can't see me anymore.
* Kara's school has really stepped up in the work/homework area. The first month of school Kara was bored because they were learning the way the classroom works, the way lunch and recess works, how to raise your hand if you have a question, that sort of thing. Now they're getting into the meat of it and it's great. I haven't seen a whole lot of math (not at home anyway), but there's a lot of reading and writing going on and she's doing really well. I'm almost happy to see her get a few things wrong - it's good for a smart kid to not think they're perfect. :-)
* I got to watch Lara's kids for the afternoon on Wednesday. She called me and said they were going to go piano shopping and she thought it would be easier without a 4 1/2 year old with a small bladder and a teething 2 year old. It was the perfect day to ask - I didn't have anything planned. We surprised Kara at the bus stop and she said it was a VERY good surprise. Kara and Emily are just about as good friends as their mommies are. Here's a picture of them walking home from the bus stop. (By the way, it turns out Ava - the 2 year old - wasn't feeling so hot because of teething and laying around watching cartoons with me is just what she wanted to do.)

* I got to go to a Beth Moore conference this weekend. Between the worship and the amazing message, I'm even more in love with my Savior than I was before - something I didn't think was possible. Man, oh man, we are blessed to serve an amazing God like Him. I mean, NOTHING about Him is bad. It's just not possible. It blows me away sometimes.
* The weather has been amazing lately. Blue skies, high of 75, low of 45. Windows open all day. Yeah, I love this time of year.
* I made 9 jars of apple butter and a giant apple cake with the apples we picked last week. I loved it so much I think we may need to do it again. AND I am planning on making orange marmalade for Tim and my mom and whoever else. Yummmmm......

I know these are a lot of highlights, but it's been an amazing few days! :-) Life is good, God is good, and I pray you feel the same way.
* The basement looks SO GOOD that I want the contractor to come back and do a few more things in the house! Michael doesn't want to do these things, but he's willing to pay for someone else to do it, which sounds like a good deal to me! Some painting needs to be done, new blinds (we're up to SIX broken ones), the kitchen sink screeches, the bathtub needs new caulking - that sort of thing.
* There's been some good coupon shopping. I think we're bored with the details, but I've been saving at least 50% wherever I go.
* I got a new phone (but have the same number). I didn't even text until less than a year ago, but then I loved it and text all the time. Well, Michael finally convinced me to get a 'real' phone with a data plan and everything. Now I can check email, play on facebook, play games, watch movies, etc on my new phone. You know, all the fun things I have no real reason for but enjoy. :-) Sometimes it's fun to have a new toy.
* Kara is still LOVING school. At the bus stop in the morning she dances with delight when she sees the bus approach. She says "I LOVE school!" with a big smile on her face. She waves and blows me kisses as the bus pulls away and she doesn't stop until it goes around the corner and she can't see me anymore.
* Kara's school has really stepped up in the work/homework area. The first month of school Kara was bored because they were learning the way the classroom works, the way lunch and recess works, how to raise your hand if you have a question, that sort of thing. Now they're getting into the meat of it and it's great. I haven't seen a whole lot of math (not at home anyway), but there's a lot of reading and writing going on and she's doing really well. I'm almost happy to see her get a few things wrong - it's good for a smart kid to not think they're perfect. :-)
* I got to watch Lara's kids for the afternoon on Wednesday. She called me and said they were going to go piano shopping and she thought it would be easier without a 4 1/2 year old with a small bladder and a teething 2 year old. It was the perfect day to ask - I didn't have anything planned. We surprised Kara at the bus stop and she said it was a VERY good surprise. Kara and Emily are just about as good friends as their mommies are. Here's a picture of them walking home from the bus stop. (By the way, it turns out Ava - the 2 year old - wasn't feeling so hot because of teething and laying around watching cartoons with me is just what she wanted to do.)
* I got to go to a Beth Moore conference this weekend. Between the worship and the amazing message, I'm even more in love with my Savior than I was before - something I didn't think was possible. Man, oh man, we are blessed to serve an amazing God like Him. I mean, NOTHING about Him is bad. It's just not possible. It blows me away sometimes.
* The weather has been amazing lately. Blue skies, high of 75, low of 45. Windows open all day. Yeah, I love this time of year.
* I made 9 jars of apple butter and a giant apple cake with the apples we picked last week. I loved it so much I think we may need to do it again. AND I am planning on making orange marmalade for Tim and my mom and whoever else. Yummmmm......
I know these are a lot of highlights, but it's been an amazing few days! :-) Life is good, God is good, and I pray you feel the same way.