Wednesday, September 1st
Today was crazy hot. It may be September, but it was August just yesterday! :-) My mom and I took Kara to move some furniture out of my grandparents' house. After all that heavy lifting, we decided to cool off in the pool.
After that, Kara napped upstairs while my mom and I watched a movie together - The Day the Earth Stood Still. I've seen it before, but it was good enough to watch again since it was on HBO. Then we had chicken fried steak for dinner and went to Kara's preschool's open house. She has been doing really well with her weird anxiety/shy/whatever phase, so I thought this could go two ways: she could revert back to the anxiety OR she could be put at ease. Praise God, He eased her anxiety and she was super excited! She loved it and was THE BEST BEHAVED one there! Michael and I talked on the way home about how we couldn't believe it - the other kids couldn't sit still for one minute. We both agree focusing on socialization would be good for all kids - Kara included. She didn't really play with any other kids - she was too shy. It's going to be a great year. :-)
Here she is sitting in "her chair". This is where she'll be sitting at "table time". :-)