
I know the Bible tells us not to worry, but it seems to always happen when it's about our babies. I am just thinking about Kara. She has not been herself for a while now and I can't figure it out. She did have a growth spurt, which made her really tired for a while, but she is just not as bubbly as she used to be. It makes me sad. My Dad's theory is we have had a VERY busy summer, especially this August, and it may just be too much for our little four year old. I wonder if maybe she's nervous about school starting. Who knows? All I know is, I'm trying to give control over to God - I've talked to Him about it and I'm trying to open my heart to letting Him fix it. Hopefully she'll be back to herself when the new school schedule starts. For now, she's hanging out at my mom's house for a couple of days. Kind of a one-last-time thing. Once she's in school (which starts the 8th), that won't happen all the time anymore. Maybe she senses that I'm sad she's going to school soon.....