
So, for some reason, Michael's dad, Tim, sleeps an awful lot. He passed that trait down to all four of his children, who sleep an AWFUL lot. As the spouse of a long sleeper, it gets pretty annoying - especially when your husband is a pill when he's tired. The good side is, he passed that on to Kara. Being the PARENT of a long sleeper is awwwwwwwesoooooooome. Kara has always slept a lot - and slept in late. I can get on board with this! As a baby, she was always on the high end, or past, the range a baby her age would sleep; and for the longest time (like the last two years), as a toddler, she would sleep from 9pm to 9am and still have a 2+ hour nap.
But now she's three and a half.
I'll try to enjoy as much of these last few months as I can. I'm sure one day when she's always in her room on the phone with her friends, I'll be dying for her to ask to watch 101 Dalmations.....AGAIN. :-)
When does Kara start preschool?