February 2020

I haven't posted on here in a while!

First, let's catch up on Raven.  She got spayed this week while Michael was out of town.  (He is back now.  He was in Florida for the annual guys fishing trip.)  She is totally acting like herself.  Ah, youth!

Instead of a cone, which would affect her peripheral vision and her hearing, we bought a blow up pillow for her to wear around her neck.  She didn't like it at first, but she seemed to get used to it pretty quickly.  The first day she came home she was avoiding sleep unless she was on our laps.

Sound asleep on my lap.  It feels like the old days when
I had to try to get Kara to sleep.  Success!

I have been organizing the house, one room at a time.  This is the room off of the kitchen, which could be called the breakfast nook.  I have it set up as a sitting area.  Michael gave me an old monitor he isn't using and I was able to plug in a Roku I had laying around.  Now I have tv in my little room.  Raven loves it because instead of sitting on a chair, I sit on a love seat - which leaves room for her to sit up there with me.

Kara is doing pretty well.  The older she gets, the less I feel free to share her stuff.  But here she is, so lovely, reading a letter out loud to me that we got from our best friends.

Something I can share is she has been wanting more and more control over her school assignments (likes control - I can't imagine where she got that from).  I have been giving her deadlines and she just has to get it all done in time.  Not only is she doing a good job managing her time (mostly - she is only 13 after all), but her grades have increased.  She has all As now.  Nice work, Kara!  Also, her favorite class in school is programming - Michael is teaching her Python.  She enjoys it so much, she is pretty sure she does want to be a programmer when she grows up.

It has been a warm winter here, and I think we aren't the only state to be so warm.  It has created several mornings where the fog melts away from the top down.  It's so pretty to see the fog on the lake.

They are chopping lots of trees down next door and we have been seeing more and more deer because of it.  Can you see this young man?  Look at his little antlers.

And here are Raven and Shadow checking out the deer.

Speaking of Raven and Shadow, they have been getting along pretty well these days.  I thought for sure that Shiloh would be the kitty who loved Raven more.  Shadow is the alpha, so I think that helps.

In other news, I am totally loving my CPAP.  I am sleeping so much better!  Except weeks like this week when I have been sick - again.  The CPAP doesn't work well with colds.  I am having other health issues - pains here and there - but that's just part of life, I'm learning.  It's all manageable.  Praise the Lord for doctors and medicine.  What a gift He has given us.

Be sure to check out my youtube channel to see what else I'm up to.


Vicky said…
I wondered what was up with you! Sorry you've been sick! This winter has done everyone in. Too warm to kill all the bugs! Love you all!