Meet Raven

Four weeks ago, Michael came to me and said his friend found a puppy on the side of the road.  Did I want to see pictures and videos of her?  He showed me his phone and I needed to meet her instantly.  I mean, look at this face:

We drove 20 minutes to find this tiny 7 week old baby.  She was so little and precious!  When I picked her up, she nuzzled and whimpered this little snuffle.  She was absolutely adorable.  We hadn't really talked a whole lot about getting a dog, but I knew this sweet little one had had a hard life and we could give her a wonderful life.

So we decided right away to bring her home.  Whoa that was fast!  But that's how Michael and I make decisions - either the Holy Spirit is leading it or He isn't.  That's that.

So, we scooped her up and went home.  Crazy!  Kara was still at my parents' house and had no idea she had a dog now.  We picked her up on the way home and surprised her - we were still surprised ourselves.

Kara was thrilled, just like we were.  She is such a great little puppy!  We looked up good names for a female black dog, and came up with Raven.  (We already have a Shadow!)

We went to the vet the next day and found she was loaded with worms (see how big her belly is?), even though she already was treated for worms at Michael's friend's house.  She also had a skin infection and mange and malnutrition had her losing hair, including all her whiskers.  Her coat was so dull.

Our poor little girl was in rough shape!!  We loved on her, gave her tons of meds, and nursed her back to health.

It's been four weeks and we all feel a little more settled with her.  Our 7 week old baby is 11 weeks now - her bladder can be trusted more, she is so smart and obedient, and we all understand each other's schedules.  She knows deep in her heart that she is ours.  She is confident and happy.

I have a million pictures and videos, but here are just a few pics:

First day home with us.

Michael is obsessed with her.  He carried
her until we could teach her to walk on
a leash and go up a step.

She loves being on our laps.  Here she is with Michael.

Whiskers starting to grow.

Sitting on my lap watching puppy videos
on you tube.

She was 6 weeks old at Michael's friend's house.  She weighed 4.6 pounds.
Then at 7 weeks, the first day we went to the vet, she weighed 8.2 pounds.  (Lots of it was worms!)
Then at 9 weeks, she was 12.8 pounds.
This is quite the trend.
This week we will go back to the vet and I'll let you know what she weighs.  I think 16-19 pounds.  We will see!


Vicky said…
Raven is sooooo cute!