Spring Warming
We had such a warm start to February. Here I am in shorts because the day ended up being 86 degrees!
My sister had a lot of errands to run the other day, so she texted me and asked if I wanted to tag along. That answer was a definite yes! One of the things she needed to do was go to the dermatologist. We waited in the waiting room for quite some time, so I took this picture of us. It was the end of the day and our makeup was sweated off (mostly mine!), so I used this filter (the wall behind us was actually white), and we look good!
Meanwhile, life with the kitties is great. Here is a picture of Shadow finishing off the last drop of coffee. lol!
Here he is learning KonMari on Netflix with me. It's a show about tidying your house. While my house is tidy, I enjoy watching other's people's houses and lives transform. So does Shadow.
My February has been fabulous so far. Trees are blooming, daffodils are up and blooming. Spring is a wonderful time. I hope your February has been wonderful so far as well!