Playground with Kim

Wednesday evening, Kara and I met my oldest friend, Kim, at a playground with her little boy, Aiden. Kim and I have known each other since we were thirteen years old. We became fast friends and were extremely close through middle school and high school. When I went away to community college, we lost touch - until I graduated from there two years later and met her at UMBC. We were very close again until a few years later when we met the men we were going to marry. Then, our priorities shifted and we focused on our new role as wives. Now that we are mothers, I'm happy to say we're trying to make the time to get together and let the kids play together. Kara is 24 months (born in July) and Aiden is 20 months (born in October), so they play very well together. Aiden is a very good boy and loves to play and climb and say funny things. I just adore him and I hope I get to know him more.
It rained like crazy before the kids played, so the equipment was soaked. Luckily, they didn't mind.
